Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bottle Caps

Words. They matter. We are told they can destroy or build. We are told to use words that edify the hearer of them. And then, there are words that you and I just need to hear. From God. There are times when we need a timely affirmation from God. The question is what manner will he use to communicate to us? I don't want to speak about the conventional ways he uses -- the bible, friends, etc. I want to talk about the fact that the God of the universe can use whatever medium he desires. And, so about bottle caps....

Two nights ago I had just received some messages from someone that were not nice. While not overly upset, i was frustrated by this person. A little later, I took off the bottle cap to a drink I was going to have. And for some reason i looked at the underside. I didn't know there were words on it. It said, "all we need is humble patience." I sat there and said, you're right ---Patience laced with humility.

God communicated to me in an unconventional medium. You cant convince me otherwise. God will speak. Even through a bottlecap....

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