Monday, August 17, 2009


Last night as I tucked JT in he wouldn't let my arm go. He did all he could to hold on. And, he told me to stay there. I pulled and got my arm out, but the message was clear. He was going to hold on as hard as he could. I would move one way and he would put the weight of his body on my arm. I move another, and he was there to counter my "move." He wasn't playing. Neither was I. I wanted out. He wanted me in. So, I continued the inquiry -- physically -- of how bad did he really want me in that bed. And, it was evident -- with all his might. So, I stayed.

In another story -- not mine but the Bible's, we are told of a man named Jacob that had a serious issue to contend with and inside that apparently supreme issue another is revealed. Let me set the stage. Jacob has stolen the birthright and he stole the final blessing of his father Isaac that was supposed to be for Esau. Esau and Jacob went their separate ways with Jacob going to live with his uncle and marrying two women (he himself was tricked into marrying the first wife when he really wanted the second). Now, he has been told by God to go back to the land of his relatives. Of course, the major issue that Jacob realizes is that he brother Esau -- a fierce warrior -- is in that land and won't be happy looking to exact revenge. In fact, Jacob's messengers said that Easu was so "excited" to see him that Esau was on the move with 400 men! So, to appease his brother he sends a series of gifts, and the scene is set for the meeting which is to take place the next morning.

In preparation for the encounter Jacob sends all his family to the other side of the river and is alone in the camp. And, this is where the real lesson begins. While there, he wrestled with a "man" the whole night. When the man realized that he would not win the match he touched Jacob's hip and through it out of socket. My first impression is that it must have been some match. Upon further inquiry you realize just how powerful this man was. When he wanted to, he simply touched Jacob's hip and Jacob was injured for life. But, as we continue, we see that even with this injury Jacob held on and said he would not let go unless this man blessed him. When the man heard this, he asked what Jacob's name was. Why did he ask for Jacob's name? He didn't need to know Jacob's name to bless him. The reality is that he already knew Jacob's name. But, the man wanted Jacob to admit who Jacob was. The text reveals that Jacob was in shock and whispered his name. You see his name meant "supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler." And, to be in a position of blessing, Jacob had to come to face the reality of who he was based on the decision he had made.

Immediately upon hearing Jacob's name, the man told Jacob that "Your name shall be called no more Jacob [supplanter], but Israel [contender with God]; for you have contended and have power with God and with men and have prevailed." Jacob was given a new name -- Israel. His encounter with God (not some "man") changed him. But, the change began with a simple confession -- even a whisper of one. God pronounced a blessing on Jacob that day and then left him.

Here are some of my thoughts:

1. To be in a position of blessing we have to be willing to wrestle with God.
2. To be in a position of blessing we have to be willing to admit our shortcomings.
3. Israel ended up limping for the rest of his life and yet he was blessed by God -- the 12 tribes came from him. God can do more with an injured man or woman that he can with a fully healthy one. "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Cor. 12:9. You see, God's power rests on those that are dependent on him. Are you willing to let God injure you? I don't think God takes pleasure in our pain. But, he wants to transform our character and sometimes the greatest injuries to us do the greatest good -- tearing down our pride.....
4. Israel thought the issue was Esau. The issue wasn't at all Esau. The issue was Jacob. And, once God dealt with Jacob, the Esau issue was taken care of -- Esau forgave Israel. Are there issues that you see that seem to be too large? Is it possible that God is trying to get you to wrestle with him, to admit to him you actions, to let him change your name? Ask...
5. JT won you know. He wrestled with me and got the blessing -- me to sleep in his bed. Sure, I could have left and said "no." But, seeing how bad he wanted me to stay there I did. How often does God say come on "wrestle" with me, and we just say "no." Oh that we could have the faith of a child like JT believing that if we wrestle long enough God will bless us.

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