Friday, May 15, 2009

Independence and In-Dependence

I had breakfast this morning with a friend.  It was a great breakfast.  And, I was reminded of what I already knew that from the time we are kids we are told to be independent.  I suggest there is a higher way, the way God created us -- In-dependence.  We must be dependent on Him.  We must be "in-dependence" on Him always.  The fact is that the slide between the two is subtle.  I saw it in my own life.  After confessing that I need His blessing and His grace and mercy in my life and my business, all three began to show up.  And, guess what happened?  I said to myself, I knew I could do it!  What a fool I was.  I had to sit there and confess that He guides and provides all.  As I told this story to my friend, he looked at my with that dazed look on his face and said "that's where I am."  My hunch is that if we men were honest most of us are there because independence has been elevated in our culture.  But, Jesus, always countercultural says "seek ye first this kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."  He believes living in-dependence on God.  Oh how I long to truthfully live each day to the fullest with integrity and hard work in-dependence on Him.

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