In John 11, Jesus performs the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. I believe he wants to do the miraculous in our lives as well. Let's look. Jesus arrives on the scene. Lazarus is dead. Jesus, standing at the tomb, says "take away the stone." The first thing to note is that this was something that COULD be done by those there. It was not something that required a miracle. And, yet, there was resistance....."he has been there four days." We do the same thing don't we? What does it really matter anyway? What will this accomplish....we say to ourselves. Jesus doesn't ask for our opinion. He asks for our action. And, so they act. And, upon acting, Jesus now acts where they cannot and calls Lazarus out of the tomb.
The second takeaway is a corollary to the first. God won't do for us what we can do ourselves. We must act. Action shows faith and in God's economy faith is the currency we spend. The general actions God wants to see are clear -- love one another, be kind to one another, show mercy, be tenderhearted, have honest scales, etc. The specific actions God wants you to take will either be an application of these principles to your daily walk and relationships or a word from God in concert with these principles and his Word. Then, we are in a position to see God do only that which he can do.
Are you wanting God to act? If so, what has God equipped you to do? Start there.
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