Thursday, October 1, 2009


God gives us opportunities to prove ourselves. Many times I have joked "only these crazy things happen to me." I never took a second to think as to whether God was trying to reveal something to me. And since I joked about how crazy they are, I always looked outside and not inside. But, God gives us opps to help us grow. He is a God of plans and action.

I noticed in Matthew 4 that God led Jesus out into the wilderness to be tempted. God also led Jesus to take up residence as an adult in a different town than as an adolescent. The point is that God takes us where we needs to go or let's us go where we need to go at other times. But, there is always a purpose.

Tomorrow, I have an opportunity to shine light. To not get angry. To not get upset. To not be impatient. So, I pause and embrace the fact that these things have happened FOR me not TO me and ask to learn....and act....

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff ! Many years ago when reading through the O.T. I "secretly" critized the children of Isreal. I remember thinking, "can't these people get it? Why do they choose to leave God's protection and follow their own desires. Can't they see it is killing them?" Yet, I do the same in subtle ways and ways that "decieve myself". But, as in the case of the children of Isreal, I am only fooling myself. So, God loves me (us) so much that He will allow circumstances to happen that will Grab my attention and reveal to me what needs correcting or improving ! I pray that I, as you are doing Jeff, realize these moments are opportunities to grow and learn
