Today's message is about being thankful and developing that habit. Cicero said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." The author had us look at the parable of the ten lepers that were healed and yet only one came back to thank Jesus -- a Samaritan. This is a powerful message in that many times we focus on what we don't have instead of what he do have. And, at times, we forget that God desires to transform us into the image of his son AT ALL COSTS. He is much more interested in our character than our comfort because of character determines the quality of our decisions and therefore the quality of of lives -- abundant lives.
The author mentioned that gratitude can "heal us spiritually, emotionally, and relationally." It increases our capacity to love much like in the way when the Grinch understood Christmas. "And some say that the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day." You see, it is all about perspective. There are some many things to be grateful -- thankful -- for.
For example, my son is jumping off the bed. I can either tell him don't jump and choose to be upset. Or, I can tell him not to jump and be thankful that I have (1) a healthy son, (2) a bed to jump from, and (3) a house for that bed. What is it about me that would normally choose the former and not the latter? Perspective. I need to re-align perspectives. And, it is hard. But, as the author says that when we are grateful: (1) it increases the love among those around us and (2) increases our capacity to experience a full life without regrets.
Take some time today and think about things that my get you upset or are inconvenient and see how you can be grateful.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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