Monday, May 11, 2009

Go with the Flow -- Esther

We hear this expression a lot -- "go with the flow." But, what does that mean? I know for me it has meant "just sit back and relax." I was reading through Esther and she is orphaned and is taken to a beauty contest at some level for the king. Not sure exactly what she had in mind for her life. She wins the contest and is made queen of Persia. Her uncle Mordecai -- who raised her -- gets a job in the palace and tells her of a plot to kill the king. The assassination attempt is stopped and the culprits are hanged ending chapter 2.

Esther seems to be a prime example of someone that can "go with the flow." I would suggest that for the Christ follower this means the ability to genuinely see God's hand in all our circumstances even when that requires the eyes of faith because we can't "see" it. Feelings come and go but truth remains, and I must align my life to truth. I know that many times I act as though it all depends on me -- whatever that "all" is. And, quite frankly it doesn't depend on me. In fact, we would call that sin. While I am responsible to act and to live a life of integrity, I am not responsible for the outcomes. This is difficult for me -- for most men -- but, it is what God calls us to. He calls us to "go with His flow."

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